Fee Payment via PushCoin (Online)

District 96 utilizes an online fee payment platform specifically designed for education. The PushCoin solution provides parents with a convenient method of paying school-related fees and expenses beyond registration fees.  Additionally, we have launched a District 96 Web Store.  The web store contains a variety "a la carte" items for purchase across our schools.

Sign Up

Follow these steps to create and link your account to your student(s).

1. Visit Push Coin Website Use the latest internet browsers as they are the most secure.
2. Sign up as a parent or guardian. Either click on I don't have an account and fill out the form or use an accelerated sign up by clicking on the Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn or Hotmail links.
3. Add your student by clicking Add Student and enter the PushCoin code received by email.

    (Repeat for each student)

If you don't have the code, click on “I don’t have a code” fill out the required fields and Submit
Information about the student should appear on the screen.

Verify the information is correct and click Confirm.


Each Student has two accounts - parents can transfer funds between the accounts at any time: 

  • Fees account used for registration or participation fees such as athletics.

    Parents can deposit as little as $1.00 to pay for fees.

  • Wallet account used for the webstore, lunch purchases. I

    tems purchased through the webstore can be paid at the time of purchase, without a minimum dollar amount.

Paying For School Fees

When school fees appear on your student's account, you will see a red negative balance under Fees and a red Pay Fees button. You may review them by either clicking Statements or the Pay Fees button.

View Transactions

  • Click on "Transactions" on the left side of the screen.

  • Select the student and the account (wallet or fees) - the screen will refresh to show the purchases made within the dates. Change the dates for transactions outside the most current 30-day range.
    Here is an example:

Transaction history example


Set up your payment method by clicking on Accounts and then click on Add Source:

  • Electronic check (eCheck): The eCheck funding option is always free to use

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover): There is an additional fee of 2.9% + $0.28 per transaction to use credit or debit cards. This fee is charged by the card processor (Not PushCoin).  Riverside School District 96 does not see or keep any portion of these assessments, they all go to the card processor. The fee is in addition to the original transaction amount. You will be able to see the total cost before submitting the transaction.

What To Expect When Using PushCoin?

  • PushCoin.com is a mobile-friendly website.  You can use a smartphone or a tablet to pay for school fees or fund and monitor your students' wallet account.  The site will adjust to your device’s screen and act like an APP.

  • If funding electronically, the minimum transaction for the wallet is $35. This minimum exists to allow your school district to keep E-Check transactions free of service charges, and keep the credit card charge to a minimum. There is no minimum transaction amount when funding by physical check.

  • If you have an outstanding balance in your student’s Fees account, you will be sent an electronic invoice once a month.

  • Optional programs or items are available on our website through the Webstore Icon (the shopping cart) or by Visiting Riverside School District 96.  There is no need to fund student’s wallet to make purchases on the District 96 webstore or pay for student’s fees.

Free Or Reduced Fees

A child’s eligibility status of receiving free or reduced discounts is determined via the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).  These statuses are maintained within PowerSchool. This information is carried-over into PushCoin as part of the nightly update. Discounting of fees and web store items are automatically calculated within PushCoin based on a child’s NSLP status.

Accessing PushCoin & The District 96 Web Store

We have added two additional “quick links” to the vertical icon banner to our district and school websites. These icons now link to the PushCoin ($ icon) parent account portal and the new D96

Webstore (shopping cart icon):

We have also added links to the “Parents” pulldown menu on our websites.

Process Changes

Given the changes in online fee payment systems, there are also changes to some District 96 processes and practices. Here are some important changes relevant to District 96 parents and guardians:

  • All registration fees and any outstanding balances associated with returning students will be applied to PushCoin accounts.

  • If a parent or guardian does not wish to utilize the PushCoin online fee payment system, fees can be paid via cash or check in-person at the District 96 Administrative Offices located at 3340 S. Harlem Ave. in Riverside.

If you have questions about your account, contact the Business Office at
Email Accounts Receivable.