District 96 Committees

All-District Leadership Team (ADLT)

Link to Committee Member Roster

The All-District Leadership Team (ADLT) will be composed of the Superintendent, Building Principal(s), other Administrators deemed necessary, and at least two teachers from each building. The ADLT will meet at least three times a year. The ADLT provides an opportunity for a joint focus on District-wide topics that will further unify the building level teams and the District. The ADLT will establish a plan for a school-wide satisfaction survey and review the data from the survey, which will be used for District improvement. The ADLT is not a forum for ongoing negotiations or to address other issues found in or relating to the collective bargaining agreement. Meetings that occur outside the Teacher’s work hours will be compensated at the curriculum rate.

  • All District leadership team

  • Meetings are held at least three times a year.

  • Committee Chairperson: Martha Ryan-Toye

Behavior Intervention Committee

Per Riverside Public School District Board of Education Policy 2:150 – Committees

The Superintendent Committee, the Behavioral Interventions Committee meets annually to review Board Policy regarding behavior and behavior regarding students with disabilities. The Committee reviews the practices and procedures in place to ensure that the District complies with the requirements from ISBE; and reviews any new guidance from ISBE.  The committee members include a Board Member, Director of Special Education, building Administrator, Parent, Teacher/District Behavior Specialist, and Social Worker.

  • Behavior Intervention Committee 

  • Meetings are held at least twice a year.

  • Committee Chairperson: Nora Geraghty

Benefits Committee

The Board and Union shall establish a benefits committee to annually review the District’s insurance programs to attempt to save or contain the cost of insurance benefits.  The committee shall be composed of four (4) members appointed by the Union and four (4) members appointed by the Superintendent. Annually, recommendations of the committee shall be subject to ratification by the Board and Union.  The recommendations shall be reported to the staff no later than sixty (60) days prior to the insurance enrollment deadline.

Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee
Link to Committee Member Roster

Building Leadership Team (BLT)

A Building Leadership Team (BLT) will be established in each school building and composed of the building Principal and volunteer staff members. The number of staff members on each BLT will be determined by the building Principal. The BLT will function as an advisory committee to the building Principal and focus on examining building issues/concerns involving teaching and learning, building climate, and culture. Other issues agreed to by BLT members. The BLT will meet monthly or as otherwise agreed by BLT members. Meetings will occur outside Teacher work hours and be compensated at the curriculum rate. The administration will endeavor to schedule the meeting dates of the teams referenced in this section by September 15. The scheduled meetings may be rescheduled as needed.

  • ALT - Ames Leadership Team 

  • BLT - Blythe Park Leadership Team

  • CLT - Central Leadership Team

  • HLT - Hollywood Leadership Team

  • HLT - Hauser Leadership Team

    • Meetings vary in length and schedule as determined by each building leadership team.

    • Contact:  building principal

District Leadership Team (DLT)

Link to Committee Member Roster

The District Leadership Team is comprised of the 11 administrators in District 96. This team meets weekly to share, collaborate, learn and problem-solve to align District strategic goals and direction with staff and student outcomes and experiences in District 96.

  • Meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays from 12:45 pm - 3:30 pm

  • Committee Chairperson:   Martha Ryan-Toye

Facility Advisory Committee (FAC)

Link to Committee Member Roster

The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) will provide the board and administration with expertise, oversight, and guidance on the district’s facilities and infrastructure, master facilities plan, strategic plan, and proposed capital improvement projects. The committee’s input will focus on investment among buildings, energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and accessibility. The committee may take on additional activities as authorized by the board, and its policies will govern its actions. 

  • Meetings are held as needed.

  • Committee Chairperson: Martha Ryan-Toye

Parent Leadership Team (PLT)

Link to Committee Member Roster

The purpose of the meeting is to address two-way communication related to Board agenda items, pertinent District 96 topics. Usually, a sharing of PTA and PTO sponsored activities at each building. 

The shared communication among this group builds a shared understanding of both district topics and parent ideas, questions, and concerns. 

The Parent Leadership Team (PLT) comprises the PTA and PTO presidents, co-presidents, or their designee, Superintendent and other administrators, and one Board member. 

  • Meetings are typically the Monday following a Board of Education meeting at 9:00 am

  • Committee Chairperson: Martha Ryan-Toye

PERA Action Team (PAT)

The Superintendent and Union President shall meet at the beginning of each school year to determine the need to convene a committee pursuant to the Illinois School Code to update the 24-A evaluation procedures.  The committee shall consist of three (3) people appointed by the Administration and three (3) people appointed by the Union.  The recommendation of the committee will be submitted to the Board and Union for ratification.

  • Committee Chairperson: Angela Dolezal

Professional Learning Planning Team (PLPT)

Link to Committee Member Roster

A Professional Learning Planning Team (PLPT) will comprise District Administrators, Teachers, and Paraprofessionals. The Administration will determine the number of staff members on the PLPT. Every effort will be made to ensure that there are teacher representatives from each of the following groups, EC-second grade, third grade-fifth grade, and junior high. The PLPT will develop the goals, objectives, topics, and plan for the District-sponsored professional learning meetings. Beginning with the 2022-23 school year, the plan, including tentative dates, the overarching goal for the year, and the tentative topics, will be communicated to the staff by the end of the school year. The PLPT will meet monthly or as otherwise agreed by PLPT members. Meetings will occur outside the teacher’s work hours. Teachers will be compensated at the curriculum rate, and paraprofessionals will be compensated at their hourly rate for attending meetings. 

  • Meetings are held monthly

  • Committee Chairperson: Angela Dolezal

Riverside Education Council (REC)

Link to Committee Member Roster

The REC comprises Co-Presidents, paraprofessional or other educational support personnel, Superintendent, other District 96 administrators, usually Director of Teaching and Learning representatives that meet monthly. The purpose of this committee is to address collaborative conversations and problem-solving.  The focus is typically on contract-specific matters.  The agenda is developed each month jointly. 

  • Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted, at 3:30 pm.

  • Committee Chairperson: Martha Ryan-Toye

Special Education Leadership Team (SPELT)

Link to Committee Member Roster

The Special Education Leadership Team (SPELT) meets to discuss, problem-solve, communicate procedures, identify and lead professional development relating to special education. SPELT is composed of one early childhood Teacher, one special education teacher representative from each school, one related service representative from each related service group, one building Principal, and the Director of Special Education. SPELT meets monthly, September through May, after school. All members contribute items to the agenda as they see appropriate. SPELT members communicate monthly to their buildings or related service groups regarding the discussion and special education procedures and processes.

  • Committee Chairperson: Nora Geraghty

Stipend Committee

The Union and Administration shall establish a Stipend Committee, as needed, to review and revise the Extra Duty Assignments. The work of the Stipend Committee shall be presented to the Board and Union for ratification.

Staff members performing the functions of a stipend position will remain in the position for the following school year unless notified in writing by the Administration by June 1 of the current school year. Such notification shall not preclude the staff member from reapplying for the stipend position. When a staff member wishes to resign from a stipend position, he/she will notify the Superintendent or designee in writing by June 1. All staff will be electronically notified of vacant stipend positions and have five (5) days to apply for the position. Suppose more than one staff member applies for the same position. In that case, the Administration will use the following guidelines to fill the position if the Administration determines the applicants are otherwise equally qualified: Experience in the activity, Regular assignment at the building where the activity will occur, and District seniority.   

  • Committee Chairperson: Jim Fitton

Strategic Planning Team

Link to Committee Member Roster

The strategic plan team met on ten occasions via Zoom [Orientation (1), Data Retreat (3), Vision Retreat (3), Setting Direction Retreat (2), and Strategic Plan Approval (1).

  • Riverside 96 MISSION (Why we Exist) -  Empowering learners through meaningful educational opportunities that reflect the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed for future success as engaged citizens.

  • Riverside 96 MOTTO (Our intent) - Empowering learners for life

Strategic Planning Action Team

The teams below are charged with addressing specific goal areas identified in the 2021-2026 plan):

Student Growth and Achievement-Standards Based Monitoring and Reporting

The action team lead is Angela Dolezal.   

Student Growth and Achievement-Exploration of Full-day Kindergarten Implementation

The action team lead is Angela Dolezal. 

Learning Environment and Culture Action Team

The action team lead is Nora Geraghty

Personalized Professional Learning Action Team

The action team lead is Don Tufano, and PLPT, Angela Dolezal 

Diverse Workforce Action Team

The action team lead is Don Tufano, Todd Gierman and Brad Meyer  

Family and Community Partnership

The action team lead is Martha Ryan-Toye and Sara Hickey. 

Parent and community engagement with authentic learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom.

It is anticipated this Action Team will meet about 5-7 times per year. Our anticipated focus is on parent/community engagement through communications. In addition, we anticipate looking closely at our civics standards and how District 96 students connect in the community in meaningful ways that enhance

Wellness Committee

Link to Committee Member Roster

The District 96 Wellness Committee is composed of District Leaders, Teachers, Health Professionals, Food Service Staff, and Parent Representatives, who participate in the review of wellness activities, wellness standards, and goals through the three meetings that are scheduled each year.  District  Wellness Policy information is posted and updated on the District website with a triennial review or other updates as necessary.

  • Staff Wellness

  • Meetings are held three times a year

  • Committee Chairperson: Nora Geraghty

D96 School Board Committees

The Board of Education may establish committees to assist with the Board's governance function and, in some situations, to comply with state law requirements. These committees are known as Board committees and report directly to the Board. Committee members may include both the Board members and non-Board members depending on the committee's purpose. The Board President makes all Board committee appointments unless specifically stated otherwise. Board committee meetings shall comply with the Open Meetings Act. A Board committee may not take final action on behalf of the Board - it may only make recommendations to the Board.

Special Board Committees

A special committee may be created for specific purposes or to investigate special issues.  A special committee is automatically dissolved after presenting its final report to the Board or at the Board’s discretion.

Standing Board Committees

A standing committee is created for an indefinite term although its members will fluctuate. Standing committees are:

Education:  The Education Committee meets regularly to ensure an integrated, Mission-compliant K-8 curriculum supported by a relevant professional development program throughout the District.  This committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board of Education.

  • Meetings are held monthly.

  • Committee Chairperson:

Finance:  The Finance Committee meets regularly to analyze the current and future conditions of the District and promotes the responsible stewardship of the District’s financial and property resources.  This committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board of Education.

  • Meetings are held monthly.

  • Committee Chairperson: David Barsotti

Policy:  The Policy Committee meets regularly to develop district policies and to revise existing policies.  It also considers recommended policy updates from the Illinois Association of School Boards.  This committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board of Education.

  • Meetings are held monthly.

  • Committee Chairperson: Stephanie Gunn 

Personnel: The Personnel Committee meets regularly to discuss recruiting, developing, and retaining exceptional personnel for all positions. This committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board of Education.

Meetings are held monthly.

  • Committee Chairperson:

Facility: The Facility Committee meets regularly to discuss allocating resources, including facilities, to enhance learning and teaching and achieve the mission. This committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board of Education.

  • Meetings are held monthly

  • Committee Chairperson: