Student Expectations and Procedures

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L.J. Hauser Junior High

Student Expectations/Procedures Handbook 2022-2023

Arrival & Entrance Procedures
●  The arrival period for students is from 8:00 - 8:20 am.
●  Students arriving by cars should be dropped off at the front of Hauser on Woodside or at the back of
the Hauser property on Akenside. Cars are NOT allowed to travel through the back parking lot.
●  Students should enter Hauser through the main doors on Woodside Road. From 8:00-8:20, students will be supervised in the auditorium and cafeteria and will have the opportunity to sit and talk with classmates while waiting to be dismissed to lockers.
● Students will be dismissed to lockers at the following times:

  • 6th and 7th Graders: 8:20

  • 8th Graders: 8:23

If students arrive tardy to school (must be in 1st period classroom at 8:30 when the bell rings), they need to go to the main office to receive a tardy slip.
●  Students who arrive tardy will need to bring a tardy slip to their classroom in order to enter.

Locker Procedures & Expectations

  • Students will visit lockers at the following times:

    • Before School ( All Grades)

    • 6th Grade:

      • Between 4th & 5th periods

      • Between Cougar Connections & Lunch

      • After Lunch

      • Between 8th & 9th periods

    • 7th Grade:

      • Between Cougar Connections & Lunch

      • After Lunch

      • Between 8th & 9th periods

    • 8th Grade:

      • Between 4th & 5th periods

      • Between Cougar Connections & Lunch

      • After Lunch

    • After School (All Grades)

  • Locker times will allow students to organize their locker and only carry materials for a maximum of 4 periods.

  • Backpacks and Cell Phones MUST be kept in their locker at all times.

  • Items that will remain in the locker:

    • Cell Phone (Cell phones need to be turned off and kept in the locker. If the cell phone is not in the locker, it will be taken to the office with family notification. Continued use of cell phones in hallways/class may result in consequences.)

    • Lunch

    • Coat/boots

  • Students must use the phone in the main office if they need to communicate with home. Students should not use cell phones during the day.

  • If not feeling well, the student should notify the teacher who will send the student to the nurse’s office for assistance. The nurse will assess and communicate with home. Students should not call family members from their cell phone to be picked up due to illness. This is for the student’s safety. If a student is not feeling well, we want to be able to support the student until the family arrives.

Classroom Procedures & Expectations

  • Students should visit lockers only at assigned times.

  • Students should travel quickly to the next classroom. Loitering or stopping in the hallways is not permitted.

  • Students may visit the washroom during the passing period or go directly to the classroom, drop off their backpack and get permission from the classroom teacher. 

  • Upon entering the classroom, students should take out needed supplies and prepare for learning. 

Supplies and Other Student Items
●  Students should bring the following personal supplies each day: refillable water bottle, charged Chromebook, binders with loose leaf paper, and pencil case with pencils, pens, calculator, scissors, markers/colored pencils, and headphones/earbuds.
●  Students should keep extra school supplies in their locker or at home.
●  Parents can bring forgotten materials or other items to the school by placing them on the white table in the   vestibule at the main entrance. Once left, our office staff will deliver the forgotten items to the student.

Bathroom Expectations
●  Students should try to use the bathroom during passing periods or during PE or Lunch so as to maximize instructional time.
●  If students need to use the bathroom during instructional time, they must ask permission from their teacher, and complete the bathroom log Google Doc (which can be found on the teacher’s Schoology page).

Physical Education Expectations

  • PE teachers will meet with classes at the beginning of the year to review procedures and expectations.

  • Each student will be assigned a locker in the locker room and also be issued a lock for that locker.

  • PE uniforms will be distributed through PE class at the beginning of the year. Families must purchase the PE uniform through PushCoin on the district website.

  • PE uniforms should be kept in the PE locker Mondays through Friday. PE uniforms should be taken home on Fridays to be laundered and returned on Mondays.

  • Students will have Health classes throughout the year during PE. PE teachers will communicate with students and families for dates of Health classes.

Departure Procedures

  • Dismissal will be at 3:35 P.M. daily.

  • Students should go to their locker to retrieve their emptied lunchbox, cell phone and gather homework. All items not needed for home should be left in the locker. 

  • Students must immediately leave school property after exiting the building, by either walking or riding a
    bike or by getting picked up by a parent or guardian. Students will not be allowed to “hang around” the
    property or gather in groups.

  • Students who need to wait for a ride must stand along the sidewalk as they wait for their ride. Cars must use Woodside or Akenside to pick up students. Cars will not be allowed in the back parking lot.

  • All students should be picked up no later than 3:50 P.M.