Hauser Encore Class Information

Hauser Junior High School offers students the opportunity to take Encore classes in addition to their Core classes (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies). Each student’s schedule allows for three Encore class periods within each school day. One of the Encore classes is a daily Physical Education class. Students have some choice in the other two Encore class offerings. Some offerings are yearlong commitments while others are offered on a trimester basis.

Yearlong commitments are required in Band, Orchestra, French and Spanish (Please note that French and Spanish are only offered to 7th/8thgrade students). Students requesting these classes commit to a yearlong study of the content. Band/Orchestra fulfills one Encore class. French/Spanish also fulfill one Encore class. A student committing to Band or Orchestra AND French or Spanish will not have the opportunity for any other Encore classes.

Encore Trimester Options:

  • 6th Grade: Art, Communications, Global Cultures, Music, STEAM Fusion, STEAM Modeling/Design, Speech/Drama

  • 7th Grade: Art, Dance, Media Communications, Music, Speech/Drama, STEAM Fusion, STEAM Modeling/Design

  • 8th Grade: Art, Broadcast Journalism (Sports, News), Music, STEAM Modeling/Design, STEAM Define Stem, Vocal

Encore Class Descriptions

Encore Trimester Class Descriptions:

Art: Students in Art will be introduced to a variety of media and techniques. We will experiment with two and three-dimensional art forms such as drawing, painting, ceramics, and sculpture. Students will gain confidence and proficiency working with a variety of mediums and develop an appreciation of art by learning about various artists and art movements.

Broadcast Journalism (Sports/News): In this class students will create/manage/edit/broadcast Hauser’s newspaper show, PAW PRINTS. The school newspaper has become a TV news show. By 8th grade, students are familiar enough with Hauser to feel comfortable covering school wide events because they have seen it twice before! We will take advantage of the 8th graders‘ knowledge and use it to document important Hauser events in video format. This class will not only leave a lasting impression on our 8th graders, but also give them the chance to leave a Paw Print on their fellow Hauser students. The final PAW PRINTS TV show will be shown to the entire school at the end of the trimester. Students may repeat this course 1, 2 or 3 trimesters.

Vocal: Students learn a variety of songs, including folk, musical theater, spirituals, and classics. Students perform alone and in groups. Students may repeat this course 1, 2 or 3 trimesters.

Communications: Communications encompasses the arts of speaking, listening, television, radio, print and Internet. We will identify the different forms of communication and media throughout our worlds of Hauser and Riverside. Remember…everyone has a message to tell. Our job is to find out what it is!

Dance: Students learn basic dance steps, choreographing and performing in groups. Students learn about dance and its importance in our culture and history. Students learn a variety of songs, including folk, musical theater, spirituals, and classics. Students perform alone and in groups. 

Drama/Speech: Drama will introduce students to the history, acting techniques and some of the greatest literature ever written. Students will study the elements of plot set forth by Aristotle three thousand years ago. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of two of Shakespeare’s plays along with work on improvisation and the performance of a monologue and a selected poem.

French: French: (7th and 8th Grade Year-long) Students make language and culture comparisons as they learn French and the culture of francophone countries. Students will cover the equivalent of one year of high school French during two years of study at the middle school level (both 7th and 8th grades). Registration is done one year at a time. If a student takes world language during 7th grade, he/she is not required to continue during 8th grade; however, students are expected to complete the year for which they are registered. At the end of two years of middle school study, students may take a proficiency exam administered by the world language department at RBHS. Based on these test results, students may be placed in second year French during their freshman year if they attend RBHS.

Global Cultures: 6th Grade Global Cultures: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in another country? What is life like for students your age in other parts of the world? We’ll find out together in this 6th grade Encore class! Prepare to explore culture, geography, and current events around the globe. Throughout the trimester we will make connections and discover the world in order to become true global citizens.

 Media Communications: This class will discover the details of broadcast journalism. Students will learn about the direct relationship photo journalism has on broadcast journalism. This class morphs into a real production team and produces their own TV shows. They learn about the differences between cooking, news and talk shows. Students will never look at the television in the same way again!

Music: Students learn music history, guitar, keyboarding, composition and listening skills. Students learn basic guitar and keyboarding (piano) skills. Students learn to play and understand music. Improvisational and compositional skills are acquired.

Spanish: (7th and 8th Grade Year-long) Students will cover the equivalent of one year of high school Spanish during two years of study at the middle school level (both 7th and 8th grades). Registration is done one year at a time. If a student takes world language during 7th grade, he/she is not required to continue during 8th grade; however, students are expected to complete the year for which they are registered. At the end of two years of middle school study, students may take a proficiency exam administered by the world language department at RBHS. Based on these test results, students may be placed in second year Spanish during their freshman year if they attend RBHS.

STEAM Modeling & Design: Students will work on variety of activities and projects related to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Students will work with computer programming, modeling and designing objects and printing with a 3D printer, and introduced to the field of electrical and mechanical engineering.

STEAM Fusion (6th and 7th Grade) & Define Stem (8th Grade): 6th and 7th grade students will work on a curriculum from the Illinois Math and Science Academy’s Fusion program.

  • 6th Grade will work with a curriculum called Take Flight. In this curriculum, students will be immersed in the various facets of the aviation industry ranging from aircraft design and assembly, airport structure and runway design, navigation, air traffic control, and airline efficiencies to the economic and environmental impact aviation have on their lives.

  • 7th Grade will work with a curriculum called Material Science: Living in a Material World. Students are on an eight thousand year journey to see how the development of Materials Science has shaped the course of human civilization. Explore the world of man-made objects by examining relationships between molecular structure and materials properties. From Stone Age tools to modern carbon nanostructures, students will test, analyze, and create complex materials from simple building blocks.

  • 8th Grade will work learn a design software to design and create models utilizing 3D printing. Students will be introduced to mechanical engineering and electrical circuits. Students will incorporate Defined STEM introduces students to performance and literacy tasks and making a connection to STEM related careers. Students will have the opportunity to work with real life scenarios to solve problems and create unique solutions.

Encore Class Interest Ranking

Students will be asked to rank their preference for Encore classes. Please understand that we cannot guarantee that students will receive their top choices due to scheduling conflicts. A Google Form for choice selection will be shared at the end of the school year.

For the 2016 – 2017 school year, Hauser students will have the opportunity to take STEAM classes during the Encore class rotation. We are very excited for this new opportunity for Hauser students to think, create, and grow!

  • What is STEAM?

    • STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. Our class will encourage students to take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process. These are the innovators, educators, leaders, and learners of the 21st century!

  • Who can sign up for STEAM classes at Hauser?

    • STEAM classes are available for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.

  • What are the STEAM Classes?

    • 6th Grade:

      • STEAM Fusion: Students will work on a curriculum from the Illinois Math and Science Academy’s Fusion program called Take Flight. In this curriculum, students will be immersed in the various facets of the aviation industry ranging from aircraft design and assembly, airport structure and runway design, navigation, air traffic control, and airline efficiencies to the economic and environmental impact aviation has on their lives.

      • STEAM Design and Modeling: Students will work on variety of activities and projects related to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Students will work with computer programming, modeling and designing objects and printing with a 3D printer, and introduced to the field of electrical and mechanical engineering.

    • 7th Grade:

      • STEAM Fusion: Students will work on a curriculum from the Illinois Math and Science Academy’s Fusion program called Material Science: Living in a Material World. Students are on an eight thousand year journey to see how the development of Materials Science has shaped the course of human civilization. Explore the world of man-made objects by examining relationships between molecular structure and materials properties. From Stone Age tools to modern carbon nanostructures, students will test, analyze, and create complex materials from simple building blocks.

      • STEAM Design and Modeling: Students will work on variety of activities and projects related to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Students will work with computer programming, modeling and designing objects and printing with a 3D printer, and introduced to the field of electrical and mechanical engineering.

    • 8th Grade

      • Defined STEM: Learn design software to design and create models utilizing 3D printing. Students will be introduced to mechanical engineering and electrical circuits. Students will incorporate Defined STEM to introduce performance and literacy tasks and making a connection to STEM related careers. Students will have the opportunity to work with real life scenarios to solve problems and create unique solutions.

      • STEAM Design and Modeling: Students will work on variety of activities and projects related to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Students will work with computer programming, modeling and designing objects and printing with a 3D printer. Students potentially may have the opportunity to utilize carving/engraving equipment for product creation.